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2015 Instruction Workshop

Responding to Faculty Requests

Potential responses to faculty who request we "demonstrate library resources":

  • Could you send me a copy of the assignment? It will help me work on objectives for your session.
  • I have some ideas for your session that I think will engage your students... How do these sound?
  • I'm concerned that the students won't retain the information if they aren't working on a specific research project when they come to the library. Could we reschedule for later in the semester when they have a project due?

Navigating Unfamiliar Classroom Spaces

What to do when the space is not what you expected:

  • When going to a class outside the library always have a a backup plan
  • Be prepared by:
    • Bringing handouts
    • Knowing your resources inside and out
  • Have the students use their technology - laptops, tablets, smartphones
  • Remain calm
  • Keep a sense of humor
  • Don't apologize, instead assure students that you've got it covered

Handling Classroom Challenges

People you encounter while teaching:

  • Reluctant learners
  • Resistant learners
  • Know-it-alls
  • Oversharers
  • Derailers
  • Technology challenged
  • Chatty faculty
  • Disengaged faculty

Activity: Faculty Scenarios

Choose one of the scenarios below. Reflect on how you would react, then craft an email response to the following requests:

  1. Babysitting a class - An instructor has asked you to come teach a class, but you discover she only wants you to take attendance and "do the library talk" because she will be out of town at a conference. The students are already far into their research drafts and will be turning in the final paper next week. 
  2. Asking for too much for an hour class - An instructor has asked you to combine lesson plans for what used to take two 75 minute sessions into one 60 minute session because he has revamped his syllabus and does not have two class periods to allot for library instruction. He is adamant the same resources be covered so students are well-versed in appropriate library materials for the assignment. 
  3. No response to follow up emails - You have been asked to teach a Comp II session with two sessions, but the instructor has not responded to your initial email inquiring about student learning outcomes. You have sent a second and third email to no avail and the class is tomorrow. 

Activity: Student scenarios

Choose one of the scenarios below. Reflect on how you would react to this situation in the classroom and be prepared to share:

  • I already know how to do all of this / I've had this before - A student is vocalizing that he heard "the library talk" in Public Speaking and does not need to "hear it again" as you are gathering the class to begin an instruction session for a Comp II class. He does not want to participate as he claims his research has already been completed. 
  • Novice and advanced learners in the same class - You ask for a show of hands and find that over half of the class is already familiar with the library databases you are going to cover. You decide to move forward at a faster pace for library database demonstrations to provide more time for individual brainstorming. Immediately, two students start asking you to stop after every link you click because they are not as tech savvy. The majority of students start to drift off to Facebook and talking with their neighbors while you help the two students catch up.