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A complete list of citations and other resources for the ACRL Assessment in Action project Don’t wait for them to come to you: Partnering with student support services.

Statistical Significance

A t-Test determined that students reported higher confidence in finding and using sources after having a librarian embedded in the Project Achieve office. Results for the pre- (M=3.54 SD=.72) and post-survey (M=3.85 SD=.52) conditions: t(33)= -2.22, p=.03, two-tailed are statistically significant.

There was a correlation between general satisfaction with research services staff and reported confidence in research abilities, r = .510, n = 64, p < 0.01.

There was no correlation among having a librarian embedded in the Project Achieve office and increased use of library resources or staff.


Correlation between satisfaction with library staff and confidence in research


Sample question

I am confident in my ability to find sources for a research paper

Project Achieve Demographics

Project Achieve Demographics

Roving statistics

Roving statistics for academic year 2014-2015