Suggested Journals Applicable to Positive Psychology and Positive Organizational Behavior and Leadership
This list is not exhaustive but nonetheless represents a list of high quality journals to utilize for the basis of research on positive psychology, positive organizational behavior and leadership.
Journals Focused Specifically on Positive Psychology and Related Topics
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
Journal of Happiness and Well-Being
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
Journal of Positive Psychology
Journals with Review Articles and Commentary (Secondary Evidence)
Academy of Management Review
American Psychologist
American Sociological Review
Annual Review of Psychology
European Management Review
Harvard Business Review
Human Resource Management Review
MIT Sloan Management Review
Personality and Social Psychology Review
Psychological Bulletin
Psychological Review
Psychological Science
Review of General Psychology
The Nonprofit Quarterly
The Sociological Review
Journals with Individual Studies (Primary Evidence):
Academy of Management Journal
Administrative Science Quarterly
American Behavioral Scientist
American Journal of Community Psychology
American Journal of Sociology
Applied Psychology
Business Ethics Quarterly
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research
European Journal of Social Psychology
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
Group and Organization Management
Human Performance
Human Relations
International Journal of Stress Managment
International Studies of Management & Organizations
Journal for Nonprofit Management
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal for the Study of Spirituality
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Consulting Psychology
Journal of Cross Cultural Psychology
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology
Journal of Humanistic Psychology
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Development
Journal of Management Inquiry
Journal of Management, Religion and Spirituality
Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Journal of Occupational Science
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Personality
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Social Issues
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Leadership and Organizational Development
Leadership Quarterly
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Organizational Development Journal
Organization Science
Organization Studies
Personality and Individual Differences
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Personnel Psychology
Psychological Inquiry
Psychology of Spirituality and Religion
Research in Organizational Behavior
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Social Research
Strategic Management Journal
Work and Stress