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Community Engagement, Service Learning, and Public Scholarship

Use this guide to find UNO library resources and other helpful tools for information about Service Learning and Community Engagement.

Best Practices

Start engaging with community partners early.  Building relationships and successful projects and products take time.

Ensure ongoing documentation of engaged scholarship efforts to track changes or consistency over time. 

Align engaged scholarship with discipline, department, campus, and national priorities to make the faculty member’s contribution clear.

Select dossier support mentors to learn the specific criteria, processes, and norms used for promotion and tenure reviews.

Publish and present engaged scholarship in a variety of significant academic and community venues early and often.

Select service roles carefully and translate them to scholarship opportunities whenever possible in order to demonstrate the value in everything you do.

Be aware of and manage what influences faculty scholarly work.

Source: Nancy K. Franz, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Vol. 15, Number 3, p. 15 (2011)

SLCE Journals

Books from the Collection