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First-Year Writing Research Guide

Use this guide to find UNO library resources and other helpful research tools.


This guide includes library resources you can use to learn research techniques for First-Year Writing classes. For remote learners, go to the "Remote Learning Library Instruction" page for your step-by-step library instruction.

For one-on-one help with research, use the Schedule Appointment button in the Contact me box.

Create Your New York Times Account

New York Times

Create your free account for full access to the New York Times. Click the link below, then use your UNO email address to sign up for an account.

Create Your Wall Street Journal Account

Wall Street Journal

Create your free account for full access to the Wall Street Journal. Click the link below, then use your UNO email to create an account. You can then go directly to the Wall Street Journal website to read the newspaper online.

Create Your Interlibrary Loan Account

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

ILL allows you to obtain items not owned by Criss Library, including books, articles, and microfilm. Some materials are more difficult to obtain due to lending restrictions determined by the lending library.

Most libraries will not lend entire journal or magazine issues, archival materials, or newspapers in print format. Popular fiction and recently published books are also difficult to obtain. Because textbooks are in high demand and hard to obtain, we will no longer be able to fill ILL requests for them. There are a number of online sites where you can borrow textbooks for an entire semester for a small fee. 

ILL books take on average about 10 days to arrive. Articles usually arrive in less than a week, but typically take two to three days. Turnaround time depends on the material requested.

  • Rare items may take 6 to 12 weeks to obtain.
  • Most Document Delivery requests will be filled within 1 to 2 business days.
  • Books and other physical materials are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk. Article requests will be delivered to you electronically.
  • Both ILL and Document Delivery articles will remain uploaded to your account for 30 days.

Events at Criss Library

Join us for these upcoming events at the library. Click through for more information and to register.

Contact me

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Tammi Owens