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Digital Humanities

An introduction to digital humanities from the University of Nebraska at Omaha's Criss Library


This guide introduces University of Nebraska at Omaha faculty and students to digital humanities, including examples of teaching and research projects, recommended tools and resources, digital humanities issues, the latest readings, guidelines for evaluation, and links to funding and training opportunities.

What is Digital Humanities?

Nailing down a definition of digital humanities is difficult, thus we taken an expansive, inclusive approach to digital humanities. By this we mean it to be an arena of interdisciplinary humanities research, teaching, and publishing that can be represented in digital form(s), enabled by digital methods and tools, about digital technology and culture, experimenting with and developing digital technologies, and critical of itself. 

Our Services

Currently, Criss Library is not able to offer in-depth collaboration for digital humanities projects. for more information regarding projects, grants, and DH questions, please contact The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL. 

Defining Digital Humanities

A brief introduction to digital humanities by Greta Franzini, Ph.D.

Defining Digital Humanities panel presentation, Columbia University

Digital Engagement Librarian

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Claire Du Laney
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