Beginning with 2013, ProQuest has published this annual compilation of statistics compiled by both government and private sources. Tables may be downloaded in both PDF and Excel formats.
Statista offers over 1 million statistics ranging across a myriad of social, economic, and market-related topics. Data may be exported in PPT, XLS, PDF, and PNG formats.
Archive of digital analysis-ready social science data in multiple software formats including SPSS, SAS, and Stata. Summary statistics for online analysis datasets. Instructional materials for classroom-ready datasets. Searchable bibliographies of data-related literature.
The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) collects data from a variety of sources to provide information and analyses on the status and scope of the fire problem in the United States.
The National Centers for Environmental Information (from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) archives and assimilates tsunami, earthquake and volcano data to support research, planning, response and mitigation.