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Sustainability Research Guide

Use this guide to find UNO library resources and other helpful research tools.

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Database Tutorials

These video tutorials will guide you through several databases offered by Criss Library. These databases were selected specifically for our first-year writing and speech students, but can be helpful to any student needing help learning to search within our databases.

A full list of databases can be found on the Criss Library A to Z Database List


Academic Search Complete


Access World News




Library Quick Search

Zotero Tutorials

The video tutorials below cover how to download Zotero and the Zotero connector to your computer, how to save sources to Zotero, and how to use Zotero to add citations in Microsoft Word. 

Downloading Zotero


Saving References to Zotero


Using Zotero in Microsoft Word

Video Tutorials for Using Archives and Special Collections

In this introduction to the UNO Libraries' Archives and Special Collections department, we provide an overview of the types of materials and research support offered to students and other researchers.

In this video, we define primary sources, explore how they differ from secondary sources, and how to use primary sources in research.

In this video, we introduce Nebraska Archives Online, the database for findings aids in Archives and Special Collections (ASC). Finding aids are detailed indexes of archival materials here in ASC.

In this video, we explore how to find Archives and Special Collections books and published materials using the library catalog search bar.

In this video, we share the new ASC digital collections repository on the JSTOR database, and how to find and access digital materials.

Searching Using Keywords

Keywords module homepageThis module will guide you through identifying the main ideas within your research topic or question and how to brainstorm keywords to use when searching in the library databases.

Since each database can categorize the main concepts of your research  under a different subject heading, it is important to brainstorm different words authors may use for your topic so that you have alternate search options if you have difficulty finding resources.

When you select the module, the tutorial will open in a new webpage and will begin automatically. You can pause the tutorial using the seek bar at the bottom of the player. Audio and video transcripts are available in the notes section of the tutorial.

Creative Commons License

Evaluating Resources Tutorial

evaluating resources tutorialThis module will guide you through evaluating resources using the Five W's.

The Five W's look at the who, what, when, where and why of a resource. Questions to ask within each category are provided so that you can begin to evaluate resources you find in the library to determine their appropriateness for your own research.

When you select the module, the tutorial will open in a new webpage and will begin automatically. You can pause the tutorial using the seek bar at the bottom of the player.  Audio and video transcripts are available in the notes section of the tutorial.

Creative Commons License

Understanding Scholarly Research

Reading scholarly articles can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! This module will go over tips to make identifying, reading, and understanding articles more manageable. You'll learn how to identify a scholarly article, what the different parts of a scholarly article are and then go over ways to read each part quickly and efficiently. Finally, it will look at a few ways to keep track of what you learn from scholarly articles so you can use that information in your research assignment.

Creative Commons License


Spotting Fake News

Spotting Fake News Title SlideHave you been wondering what fake news is or how it impacts your life? Are you unsure of how to spot fake news or articles designed to sway your opinions? This module will walk you through different types of fake and misleading news stories and give you tips on how to evaluate these stories for accuracy, integrity, and truthfulness.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Licensing

All modules are licensed through Creative Commons. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.