EBSCO databases cover a wide range of topics including business, education, health, social sciences, and the humanities. While hard science/technical articles are included in some EBSCO databases, it is less useful for STEM. EBSCO databases generally include full text content, but not always.
EBSCO databases at UNO Libraries are set up to land on the advanced search screen. The search function allows for all Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT), so a search for business expenses will return different results compared to a search for business AND expenses.
Searching for business expenses looks for the words close to each other.
Searching for business AND expenses looks for both words anywhere in the record.
EBSCO databases do not search the full text of articles. Instead they search the item record which includes things like the title, author, source title, subject terms, abstract, etc.
Advanced search options allow you to search the full text of the article where available, limit by date, select scholarly articles, and more. These features should be used on a case-by-case basis if you can't find what you need in your initial search. Because EBSCO links out to our other databases limiting to "full text" only is not recommended.
"SmartText Searching" allows you to enter a phrase into the search bar and database algorithms will attempt to guess what you are searching for. It can be useful if you aren't sure what keywords you should enter.