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General Database Info


While EBSCO and ProQuest are database vendors that offer multiple databases on a number of topics, JSTOR is a single database that covers nearly every topic. JSTOR inlcudes journal back files, but often does not have the most current issues of journals. Most titles have a five year embargo. JSTOR Is a full text database.

Entering keywords

JSTOR is set up to land on the basic search screen. The search function allows for all Boolean operators (AND, OR, and NOT). JSTOR set up so that AND is the default selection between each word, so it is not necessary to use AND when conducting a search. The basic search screen has a single search bar, so to create a more complex search click on the "advanced search" link.

Here is an advanced search:

Further down on the advanced search screen you can limit by item type, date, discipline and more. It can be helpful to limit by articles and reviews because JSTOR includes things like the title page and image captions in its results list.

Search results

You can also limit/update your search from the results page, or even use the search bar to search within your results. Unfortunately JSOR does not provide abstracts, so it can be difficult to tell if an article is useful without viewing the PDF.