Microfiche cards are better suited than microfilm reels for large items such as maps, and they are somewhat easier to handle than microfilm reels. Criss Library's collections include several significant archives on microfiche, and they are accompanied by indexes to assist researchers in identifying documents.
British policy in Asia: India Office memoranda: vol. 1, the Middle East, 1856-1947; vol. 2, Tibet, Burma, and Indo-China, 1862-1940. 63 microfiche. Mansell, 1988. DS33.4 .G7 B75
The Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indian. 80 microfiche. Clearwater Publishing Company, 1975. E93 .L3
Indian Claims Commission: Pt. A, decisions, decisions on appeal; Pt. B, testimony; Pt. C, transcripts; Pt. D, Briefs; Pt. E, reports of the General Service Administration and General Accounting Office; Pt. F, legislative history of the Indians Claims Commission Act of 1946, docket books, journal. 6000 microfiche. Clearwater Publishing Company, 1993. E98 .C6 U6 1993
The founding fathers of the American Revolution. 142 microfiche. Bell & Howell, 1974. E203 .F77 1970
Cornell University collection of women's rights pamphlets, 1814-1912. 117 microfiche. Bell & Howell, 1974. HQ1423 .C814
Slavery: source material and critical literature. 10,000 microfiche. Primary Source Media 1998. HT857 .S49 1998
Crime and Juvenile delinquency, 1920-1988. 3,000 microfiche. Microfilming Corporation of America, 1985. HV6001 .A172
The legal status of women, 1800-1900: 45 key titles from nineteenth-century legal treatises in the United States and the United Kingdom. 150 microfiche. Research Publications, 1995. KF46 .N5