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Games Collection: 7 Wonders

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"Lead one of the seven great cities of the ancient world. Exploit the natural resources of your lands, take part in the eternal march of progress, develop your commercial relationships, and assert your military might. Leave your mark in the history of civilization by building an architectural marvel that will transcend the ages to come. 7 Wonders lasts three ages. In each age, players receive seven cards from a particular deck, choose one of those cards, then pass the remainder to an adjacent player. Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying resources if needed or collecting resources or interacting with other players in various ways. (Players have individual boards with special powers on which to organize their cards, and the boards are double-sided). Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age. After three ages, the game ends."

Difficulty Level

Fast Facts

Players 2 - 7
Ages 10+
Time 30 minutes


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