UNO Faculty and Classes
With advanced notice and coordination, the CPL is able to support the activities of university classes across all departments. Full-time CPL staff are prepared to aid in the preparation of video and multimedia elements key to online course delivery.
Classes that plan on directing students towards the CPL to use the facility in support of required coursework should reach out via email to the current CPL supervisor prior to the start of the academic semester. Necessary information should include project outlines, numbers of students, and timeframes for planned use of the facility by students or groups of students. Large numbers of project submissions for 3d printing, large format printing, or use of the laser necessarily slow down processing time for all services regardless of advanced notice, and coordination allows for planning around such slowdown rather than outright denial of service. Last minute, unannounced, large group projects directed towards a single CPL service, software use, or technology that risks equitable access may be asked to seek non-CPL options for project completion.
Faculty is open to include the CPL as a suggested resource within syllabi, but should direct students to our web policy documentation to review current technology requirements, pricing, and access priorities.
Senior CPL staff is available at limited request for short in-class presentations on multimedia technologies, basic skills workshops, or guiding students towards the use and capacity of the CPL as it relates to their area of study. Requests can be made by email to the current CPL supervisor.
CPL staff is capable of helping students with questions, issues, and an operational introduction to creative software, but should not be considered a first-route for the wholesale teaching of capacities required by a course or major. If a key digital multimedia skill is required to complete your course, but is not present in the course itself or the track of study, please coordinate with the current CPL supervisor towards the development of an in-class presentation or cooperative workshop.
As with our community educational partners, both walkthrough and hands-on tours are available on request for UNO classes. We can accommodate class tours of up to 20 UNO students.
Customized workshops are available by request with advance notice. CPL staff will coordinate delivery and completion of project-based software and hardware workshops around your class needs. Standard workshop outlines include:
Single Session Workshops
Multi Session Workshops