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eBook Expo

Virtual displays featuring eBooks from UNO Libraries.


For Peace of Mind, Find Peace in Mind

by Maison Horton

Whether we are together or apart, it can be difficult to find time to ground oneself in a world that requires being busy. But some semblance of calm can be more than beneficial in our lives to alleviate health issues that can accompany high stress and anxiety. These reads provide you with ways to practice meditation and mindfulness, as well as ways to self-reflect in order to bring about a newfound sense of balance and tranquility in your or someone else's life.

In this display:

  • Austin, J. H. (2011). Meditating selflessly: Practical neural zen. The MIT Press.
  • Austin, J. H. (2014). Zen-brain horizons: Toward a living zen. The MIT Press.
  • Brantley, J. (2003). Calming your anxious mind: How mindfulness and compassion can free you from anxiety, fear, and panic. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
  • Brehm, J. (Ed.). (2017). The poetry of impermanence, mindfulness, and joy. Wisdom Publications.
  • Dumm, T. L., & Dumm, T. L. (2008). Loneliness as a way of life. Harvard University Press.
  • Ford, A. (2017). Mindful thoughts for walkers: Footnotes on the zen path. Leaping Hare Press.
  • Goldstein, E., & Calistoga Press. (2014). Mindfulness Made Simple : An Introduction to Finding Calm Through Mindfulness & Meditation. Calistoga Press.
  • Hanh, T. N. (2009). Blooming of a lotus: The classic guided meditation for achieving the miracle of mindfulness. Beacon Press.
  • Hanh, T. N. (2005). Touching the earth: Guided meditations for mindfulness practice. Parallax Press.
  • Hasson, G. (2015). Mindfulness pocketbook: Little exercises for a calmer life. Capstone.
  • Levy, D. M. (2016). Mindful tech: How to bring balance to our digital lives. Yale University Press.
  • Ramsay, G. G., & Sweet, H. B. (2008). A creative guide to exploring your life: Self-reflection using photography, art, and writing. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Reinecke, M. A. (2010). Little ways to keep calm and carry on: Twenty lessons for managing worry, anxety, and fear. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
  • Saltzman, A. (2014). A still quiet place: A mindfulness program for teaching children and adolescents to ease stress and difficult emotions. New Harbinger Publications, Inc.